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Nails Services
ネイルをすると、いつもよりもちょっと気分が上がる 毎日をハッピーに! 生活シーンに心地よく寄り添うネイル
ハンド 1. クリア・ワンカラー ¥5,500(税込) 2. グラデーション ¥6,600(税込) 3. フレンチネイル¥7,700(税込) 4. セミオーダーデザイン¥6,600(税込)~ 5. 持ち込みデザイン¥6,600(税込)~ フット 1. クリア・ワンカラー ¥6,600(税込) 2. グラデーション¥7,100(税込) 3. フレンチネイル¥8,200(税込) 4. 持ち込みデザイン2本¥7,300(税込) 5. 持ち込みデザインご相談ください ¥7,300〜 ジェルオフ 1. 自店ジェル付替¥0(税込) 2. 自店ジェル付替(1か月経過のリピーター様 ¥1,100(税込) 3. 自店ジェル付替 (2か月経過のリピーター様¥2,200(税込) 他店様のジェルオフのみ 3,300(税込) ケア 1. ハンドケアコース¥5,000(税込) 2. フットケアコース¥6,000(税込)
Have a Look at Our
Make every day special with nails that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

- Clear / One Color – ¥5,500 (tax included)
- Gradation – ¥6,600 (tax included)
- French Nails – ¥7,700 (tax included)
- Semi-Custom Design – ¥6,600 and up (tax included)
- Custom Design (by request) – ¥6,600 and up (tax included)
- Clear / One Color – ¥6,600 (tax included)
- Gradation – ¥7,100 (tax included)
- French Nails – ¥8,200 (tax included)
- Custom Design (2 nails) – ¥7,300 (tax included)
- Custom Design (by consultation) – ¥7,300 and up (tax included)

Gel Removal
- In-store gel removal with reapplication – ¥0 (tax included)
- In-store gel removal with reapplication (for repeat customers after 1 month) – ¥1,100 (tax included)
- In-store gel removal with reapplication (for repeat customers after 2 months) – ¥2,200 (tax included)
- Gel removal from another salon (removal only) – ¥3,300 (tax included)